HMS Teacher Parade Routes The routes for our teacher parade are linked here. Hope to see everyone soon!
Title I Spring Input Survey Please take a second to complete the Title I Spring Input Survey. Click on the "Survey Link" above the photo.
BUS 1304 UPDATE: This is ONLY for those students who live on Reynolds Farm Road. Due to portions of Reynolds Farm Rd being closed we will not be able to provide transportation this afternoon. I have provided a list of drivers that service Reynolds Farm Rd. Please contact your parents to pick up students from the school. Lance Poss has verified the closing of Reynolds Farms Rd. Please contact the DOT office if you have any additional questions. Harlem Middle/High Bus 1304 Melcher Euchee Creek Bus 2012 CurryCedar Ridge Bus 1112 MooreGrovetown Mid/High Bus 2012 Curry